IFA MAGAZINE • No. 1 MARCH 2015 • Innovation for architecture

IFA MAGAZINE • No. 1 MARCH 2015 • Innovation for architecture

March 23, 2015

IFA Magazine: insights, new ideas and tips that may be of help to the posers, the builders, the building warehouses to retailers, but also professionals.

Believe in our market in the construction industry, I mean, means sacrifice day after day, making sacred precisely our ordinary profane work: there we sacrifice for something we believe in, without necessarily succumbing to the enticements of hopes and expectations, often misleading because vain; we sacrifice ourselves for the sake of an inspiration or a passion, the same that distinguishes companies that gradually intervened in our design lounge called IFA, that with this number off the first candle.

In this short but intense period we had the good fortune to meet those who, like us, believe in the future, believes in building responsible, believes in innovation, believes in the opportunity concealed by the notorious crisis, believe in your company and in men who compose it, believes in sacrifice and believes that by a constant commitment can only be born major satisfactions.

Personally, as a sales manager Italy a beautiful reality in constant growth, I can only thank these extraordinary examples of courage, in the hope of reconnecting with them always so intuitive, dynamic and motivated.

Alberto Cocco